Fair Processing Notice

The privacy and security of your information is important to us. This notice explains who we are, the types of information we hold, how we use it, who we share it with and how long we keep it. It also informs you of certain rights you have regarding your personal information under current data protection law. We will update this notice as required and at least annually (every October). Therefore, we suggest you revisit this notice every December to keep yourself informed. The terms used in this Fair Processing Notice are based on the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can find out more about the ICO here: https://ico.org.uk.

Who are we?

Independent Broking Solutions Limited is the Data Controller of the information you provide us and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for the products and services we provide to you.

You can contact us for general data protection queries by email to jonathan.sprules@isgrp.co.uk or in writing to The Data Protection Officer 150 Minories, London EC3N1LS. Please advise us of as much detail as possible to comply with your request.

What information do we collect?

To enable us to provide you with the right product or service to meet your needs (or to handle a claim) we will collect personal information which may include your name, telephone number, email address, postal address, occupation, date of birth, additional details of risks related to your enquiry or product and payment details (including bank account number and sort code).

We may need to request and collect sensitive personal information such as details of convictions or medical history for us to provide you with the product or service or to process a claim.

We only collect and process sensitive personal data where it is critical for the delivery of a product or service and without which the product or service cannot be provided. We will therefore not seek your explicit consent to process this information as it is required by us to provide the product or service you have requested and is legitimised by its criticality to the service provision. If you object to use of this information then we will be unable to offer you that product or service.

How do we use your personal information?

We will use your personal information to

  • Assess and provide the products or services that you have requested
  • Communicate with you
  • Develop new products and services
  • Undertake statistical analysis

We may also take the opportunity to

  • Contact you about products that are closely related to those you already hold with us
  • Provide additional assistance or tips about these products or services
  • Notify you of important functionality changes to our websites

Only where you have provided us with consent to do so, we may also from time to time use your information to provide you with details of marketing or promotional opportunities and offers relating to other products and services from Independent Broking Solutions Limited.

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